NFC TagWriter by NXP APK

Version 5.0.0 - com.nxp.nfc.tagwriter

Real data storage, Bluetooth pairing via Tap to launch; launch applications

NFC TagWriter by NXP apk

APP Information

Download Version 5.0.0 (4007028)
Apk Size8.73 MB
App DeveloperNXP Semiconductors
Malware CheckTRUSTED
Install on Android4.4.x and up
App Packagecom.nxp.nfc.tagwriter.apk

Download NFC TagWriter by NXP 5.0.0 APK

App Description

NFC TagWriter by NXP is tagwriter,productivity, content rating is Everyone (PEGI-3). This app is rated 5 by 1 users who are using this app. To know more about the company/developer, visit NXP Semiconductors website who developed it. com.nxp.nfc.tagwriter.apk apps can be downloaded and installed on Android 4.4.x and higher Android devices. The Latest Version of 5.0.0 Available for download. Download the app using your favorite browser and click Install to install the application. Please note that we provide both basic and pure APK files and faster download speeds than APK Mirror. This app APK has been downloaded 3665+ times on store. You can also download com.nxp.nfc.tagwriter APK and run it with the popular Android Emulators.

The NFC TagWriter by NXP stores contacts, bookmarks, geo location, Bluetooth Handover, SMS, Mail, text messages and many more to any NFC-enabled tags as well as to items like posters, business cards, watches and many more containing NFC-enabled electronics. Once data has been stored the application allows also reading and viewing the programmed data including options to launch applications automatically based on the contained data.

NOTE: Installing TagWriter on a non-NFC enabled phone is enabled now but it does of course not allow you to actually program tags. Anyhow, you can now prepare NFC data sets e.g. on a large screen device and then share them with an NFC enabled handset to actually make use of them. Besides that you can catch a pre-view on what you could do with a handset supporting NFC.
Please contact us at [email protected] if you have problems. We will continue our efforts to add new features for your benefits and we work hard to provide a feature rich application ahead of other apps available in the market.
Advanced Features:
Main Features: 
- Extended support for NXP NTAG 21x Tags – UID mirror, Counter Mirror and Password Feature
- WiFi Pairing for handsets supporting this feature
- Bluetooth pairing for all NFC enabled Android versions
- Application launching with optional data handover
- Easily create tag content from your contacts and bookmarks
- Create new content with the included NFC data set editor
- Convert QR Codes into NFC data sets
- View the existing contents of a tag
- Export, import and share NFC data sets
- Manage your own history of tags viewed and written
- Tap to Launch feature to execute content of NFC tags with a simple tap
- Backup the contents of a tag before writing it
- Erase the contents of a tag
- Insert increasing counter values when writing NFC data sets
- Write-protect a tag
- Write multiple tags in sequence
- Write multiple Datasets in CSV format on multiple tags in sequence
Semicolon separator:
Comma separator:

Next to the creation and storing of NFC data sets the NFC TagWriter by NXP also allows to automatically launching applications based on the data read from NFC-enabled tags and items containing NFC-enabled electronics.
The following NFC data sets are supported to launch applications:
- Contact (vCard) to import data into the address book (Contacts)
- Bookmarks (URL) to open a given web address
- Plain text to display simple messages directly on the screen
- SMS (SMS URI) to create a new message
- Mail (Mail URI) to create a new mail message
- Telephone number (TEL URI) to start a call
- Bluetooth to pair and connect devices
- WiFi to connect to WiFi Networks
- Geo location to open a given destination- File URI to open a file on the device, including file picker UI
- URI to create any kind of URI, also those not directly supported by the NXP TagWriter

It supports a series of configuration options adapting the application to your own needs and preferences.

The application fully supports the NFC Forum Type 1 Tag, Type 2 Tag, Type 3 Tag as well as Type 4 Tag portfolio. This includes a whole range of NXP and third party NFC-enabled contactless IC products like MIFARE Ultralight, MIFARE Classic, MIFARE DESFire, NTAG 21x, NTAG I2C,  ICODE SLI & many others.TagWriter supports any NDEF pre-formatted tags for all NDEF operations but formating to NDEF feature is limited only to NXP Tags.

Please help us to improve and provide “crash report” and/or contact us via [email protected]. This helps us to detect, analyze and provide fix for the ICs that have not been verified to work and so may cause problems or unexpected behavior on use. 

App ChangeLog

  • Support Added for DESFire EV3 16K Card Variant
  • Protect Tag Feature Extended for DESFire EV3 and DESFire EV3C Cards
  • Bug Fixes

App Screens

NFC TagWriter by NXP App Screen 1NFC TagWriter by NXP App Screen 2NFC TagWriter by NXP App Screen 3NFC TagWriter by NXP App Screen 4NFC TagWriter by NXP App Screen 5NFC TagWriter by NXP App Screen 6NFC TagWriter by NXP App Screen 7NFC TagWriter by NXP App Screen 8NFC TagWriter by NXP App Screen 9NFC TagWriter by NXP App Screen 10NFC TagWriter by NXP App Screen 11NFC TagWriter by NXP App Screen 12NFC TagWriter by NXP App Screen 13NFC TagWriter by NXP App Screen 14NFC TagWriter by NXP App Screen 15NFC TagWriter by NXP App Screen 16NFC TagWriter by NXP App Screen 17NFC TagWriter by NXP App Screen 18NFC TagWriter by NXP App Screen 19NFC TagWriter by NXP App Screen 20NFC TagWriter by NXP App Screen 21NFC TagWriter by NXP App Screen 22NFC TagWriter by NXP App Screen 23NFC TagWriter by NXP App Screen 24NFC TagWriter by NXP App Screen 25NFC TagWriter by NXP App Screen 26NFC TagWriter by NXP App Screen 27NFC TagWriter by NXP App Screen 28

NFC TagWriter by NXP 5.0.0.apk

Apk scan results

Apk Scaned By TotalVirus Antivirus,com.nxp.nfc.tagwriter.apk Was Pure And Safe.

Scan Stats:malicious:0|suspicious:0|undetected:64|harmless:0|timeout:0|confirmed-timeout:0|failure:0|type-unsupported:11|
Name:NFC TagWriter by NXP 5.0.0.apk
File type:Android
Magic:Zip archive data, at least v1.0 to extract, compression method=deflate
File size:9156199
Uncompressed Size:2551134
Contained Files	:1542
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Google Play Reviews

  1. Michel Meyers-avatar

    Michel Meyers

    Used this to write password protected tags (with 4 character password). Now can't write to them any more and can't remove password (asks me to put in 8 characters minimum)! At least tell people that they have to convert their old ASCII passwords to hex values, or give us the option to specify which we want to enter!

  2. Paul Stross-avatar

    Paul Stross

    Has major bugs in the uid and counter mirror with URLs. The offset process is wrong. I have wasted loads of time. It just does not work . Has it been tested? One star till fixed :-( Latest update has not fixed the interaction counter issue.

  3. alanmacfadyen-avatar


    When I began using this app the variable name for the mirrored unique ID was the letter m. This has been replaced by uid thereby making all my previously written interactive web content obsolete. This is amateur night and betrays a lack of understanding of how HTTP works. Simply incredible.

  4. Tim Tim-avatar

    Tim Tim

    Only works with NXP brand tag chipsets (e.g. NTAG product line); displays "Tag not supported" for NFC-compliant (e.g. ISO15693) tags from competing vendors (e.g. TI), even though the same tag can be read with NFC TagInfo. Uninstalled.

  5. ashutosh shrestha-avatar

    ashutosh shrestha

    Hey, can we make any connection with server or any backend activity? I mean if I scan a tag to read.. will it search that particular id in the server and return back the exact stored information if there is a matching id. Moreover, I want to write tag based on the retrieved data?

  6. Cm0nsters Gaming-avatar

    Cm0nsters Gaming

    Attempted to use password to protect my card, instead it locked me out of my card. This app gave me more errors than I've ever seen in an nfc app before. Would not recommend using this app.

  7. Pt McG-avatar

    Pt McG

    This app has it all but just needs that little push to professional app from the app all the guys are using. Very easy done. Just take contents and present it as if it really matters!! Mo-as is YOU need it on YOUR phone. UR looking at other guys phone in lift am this app is there. People are talking bout it all over the workplace! YOU need it.

  8. Steve Jackson-avatar

    Steve Jackson

    brilliant app, very user friendly and good UI design. helped me to reprogram my tags in a few seconds. 11/10

  9. Joris van den Ende-avatar

    Joris van den Ende

    Great NFC tag writer. No apps need to be installed to read the tag written with this TagWriter. I love it. Works great on Android 11 too.

  10. Martin Eldracher-avatar

    Martin Eldracher

    While NXP tag info app (tag reader) does repeatedly read my credit card info including details in full scan this tag writer claims the card would be empty! I use a Samsung Notes 8